Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Yesterday I was talking to a woman who was sharing a small victory in her journey to healthier living.  She had had a busy and hectic day at work and did not have the opportunity to sit down and eat the healthy lunch already prepared for her.  A co-worker offered to but her something from McDonald's.  The women thought about it for awhile. She LOVES MCDs chicken nuggets and they would make the perfect on the go meal. A bit of self-control and a reminder of her goals allowed her to say, " No, thank you.  I'll eat my cantaloupe."  As I listened to her share, I was genuinely excited for small victory.  Many diet and fitness experts agree, that the best and most sustainable results come from the simplest of workouts and eating habits (when they are done consistently). She exercised her God-given self discipline and claimed a victory.  I pray this victory will translate over to other areas of her daily life

Often I think we forget to Praise God and celebrate the daily victories, or small victories,  in our life.  Even with our battle against sin, we have to learn to thank God every time we choose to do the right thing, especially when doing wrong is easier.  Each and everyday we have to 'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 1:7).  As we connect with God daily, He renews our strength and encourages us to stay strong.  Our big victories over sin and temptations are often the result of little victories guided by self-control and self-discipline.  The “little victories” will add up to the bigger goal. So as we continue to strive to be more like Christ, to live healthier and fuller lives, let us continue to seek God's face, not be satisfied or content with where we are, and always press towards the mark.  

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” -- Louis L'Amour

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

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I love being able to worship God at anytime.  Now, I'm not sure if it's quite the right thing to do, but I played several Fred Hammond songs via YouTube and just praised and worshiped God while at my desk.  It took everything in me not to start singing aloud and dancing.  My mini worship experience at work, definitely made the difference in my day.  What would've been another mundane regular day became an amazing day highlighted by the opportunity to be lost in His presence.   I can only imagine the joy that'll fill my heart and soul when I get to heaven.  As I listened to the words of songs such as 'Lord How I Love You', No Way You Won't Lose, Hold Me Together, He is Not Just a Man' a huge smile emerged from my face.  I think I understand what David says in Psalms 16:11 " You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."   Often we forget the personal benefits of worshiping God.  Yes, praise and worship are about honoring and exalting God.  But one of God's rewards top us for praise and worship is peace and joy.   When we praise and worship God, we bring down His presence and invite God to unleash His power that saves, heals, and delivers.  I'm so grateful that I do not have to wait until Sunday mornings to praise God or be in church to praise God.  His freedom allows me to worship any day, anytime, and anywhere.  Hallelujah! 

Something to Think About
"Without worship, we go about miserable."  --A. W. Tozer 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

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Another week has come and gone.  I've added another duty to my internship: looking up tweets!  I love it.  A coworker said she needed help gathering information to tweet.  My workload is still very light so I did not hesitate too long to ask her if I could assist her with that task (and of course she said Yes).  I'm  going to start praying for more opportunities to help other employees with their work.  Eventually, this internship will end and I'll have to find another job.  I need to make sure I leave here with marketable, not just template recommendation letters.  I'm praying that this job helps to open some opportunity come June.  I've browsed and have seen some jobs that I think I would now qualify for that I didn't qualify for 6 months ago

 I am constantly reminded to thank God for the job, the paycheck, and the health insurance;but, I'm also reminded to continue praying that I move on to something better, more challenging and rewarding .  Right now, I honestly feel as though I'm not challenged enough at work and need something different.   Since this is also a grant funded internship (and there are no vacancies), there is very limited promotion potential.  I need to think ahead and begin to polish my resume so I can attract the attention of  a hiring manager working for a company that is going somewhere. I'm a little nervous and scared to begin the job search again, mostly because I'm still relatively inexperienced and not sure how to effectively show what I can bring to the table.  However, I am confident that God is ordering my steps and has picked out the perfect job for me already.  I just need to be remember not to be overwhelmed and know that I have to keep moving forward.  Most importantly, I must trust and obey. 

Something To Think About
"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."  - Oliver Wendall Holmes -

A good article to check out (   

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I love having high self-esteem and confidence.  While I appreciate compliments and occasionally enjoy flirtatious gestures from males, they no longer define my worth.  Sometimes I blush and take  compliments too close to heart, but I do not allow these compliments determine how I feel about myself.  Knowing who I am and being able to see myself as beautiful, saves me from some dangerous encounters.  If I gave my number, my Facebook or email information to every guy that called me beautiful or sexy, I'd probably be a bruised and damaged wreck.  It's hard sometimes not to be deceived by sweet talking guys and their flattery.  But thank God for the power to resist. 

As I grow older, though, I'm realizing how much more I need God's wisdom in handling my interactions with males.  I totally believe and trust that God will bring my Mr. Right along at the right time, but I also know that I have to be prepared for that time.  I don't want to send out all the wrong signals ---via my dressing, behavior,or attitude--- and  attract the dogs while repulsing Mr. Right.  For me, that means improving my relationship skills and learning how to build strong friendships.  Additionally,   that means ensuring my interactions with other males is wholesome and appropriate so to not allow any ground for jealousy or distrust to be planted.  Most importantly, I need to protect my heart by not getting caught up in foolishness.  Just like I'm trusting God to bring me Mr. Right, my future husband is trusting God to bring him Ms. Right.  God has been working on transforming me from inside out.  He does now want the precious quality within me to be tarnished and abused by guys who do not understand my value.   I thank God for His word and the many people He has placed in my life that  have helped me recognize and accept the truth that I am  precious, beautiful, and valuable.  No ill intentioned guy can mess me up.

Something to Think About: 
“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere." --Anonymous

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A Message from the Word

Today at ACF our lesson topic was "Who is Jesus?" We shared our personal views of Jesus then looked at several scriptures.  I am amazed at how one man could be so many things to so many people.  According to the Bible, Jesus is everything from the fountain that cleanses and purifies to the life-giver to the light of the world to beginning and the end.  The Bible is clear, Jesus is not just a man.  Many skeptics and scholars also believe that Jesus was more, thus the questioned is often simplified to Who is Jesus: liar, lunatic, or Lord. 

To me, I think Jesus is the friend I don't want or deserve but the friend I need and love.  He's always there to encourage and speak life into my dead situations but He's also there reminding to live Holy and take the road often less traveled.   Whats amazing about Jesus is that rather than allow others to tell you who He is, he reveals Himself to you.  As we spend more time with Him, as we continually cling to Him, He faithfully shows us who He is so to build our confidence in Him.  When the question is posed: "Who is Jesus: a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?"  My relationship and experience with Jesus allows me to answer boldly the question with, "Jesus is Lord!".  See He's not just a savior that I can call on (like a genie) to come rescue me when I'm in trouble.  He's much more.  Jesus is Lord, the one I submit to so I reduce the amount of trouble I bring into my life. I don't treat Jesus with the respect that I should or give Him the love I should.  Nonetheless, He is always there never backing out of His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Jesus is awesome and real.  He truly is my all in all.

 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2