Friday, January 27, 2012

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It's great to be in a fun christian safe environment.  acfya dc had a fellowship tonight at Chika's parent's house.  typically, I'm hesistant to go to get togethers with ACFYA  because I don't feel as though I quite fit in.  for some reason this time was different.  Not only did I have fun, but I felt free to be.  I didn't feel the need to put on a mask

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Today was another ACFYA work day.  My super didn't have any tasks for me, so I dedicated most of my day to doing random tasks related to the conference.  On days like this, I wish I could work for ACF simnce I alread do so much work for them ( work I enjoy admittedly)

I went to Small Group again.  It was more a time of fellowship rather than Bible Study (which I'm craving)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

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What a busy day!! This saturday was the first one in a long time where when I left the house in the morning, I didn't see it again until late in the evening.  Needless to say, I was tired.

the day started with

It's good to be blessed.  It's better to be a blessing.  ~Author Unknown

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My SParkPeople fitness tip was to do a little more cardio this week.  They recommended sevralk ways to do that. At first I just brushed off the tip and decided toignore it during my next workout.  However, when I walked into the gym I got a random otivation and ecided why not " Go the distance, push a little harder".  I'm glad I did, because that workout felt really good.  for my warm-up cardio, I did 10 minutes on the Stairmaster at an increased resistance level of 4.  it was soooooo intense.  About 8 min in.  I may not loose 50lbs anytime soon, but I'll be happy and healthy because of the hard work I put in, when at gym.

Thinking about my work-out reminds me of how God wants us to "Go the distance and push a little harder" in our Christain faith.  Imagine the difference, if we read our Bibles a little more each day or week, prayed for more people or issues, showed a little more love to other, or.

Something to think About:

I think that my biggest attribute to any success that I have had is hard work. There really is no substitute for working hard.
Maria Bartiromo

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I got to see my energy buddles today.  :-)  I love KF they always bring moments of fun and love.  I think F was so shocked to see me after a long time. He responded with a scream, a "No", a hug attack, and tears after being scolded.  LOL.  Kemi was happy to have another play pal and didn't waste much time asking me to play a new game they bought. It's called Matching Ducks or something similar.  While a rather fun game for kids, it's a potentially annoying and loud game for adults.   The ducks constantly move around a pound and quack until there's a winner.  The kids loved the game and both won a round. I was impressed to see F knew his colors so well.  My lil bud is so smart. In my excitement of seieng them I forgoit to pick up my work clothes I left over two weeks ago.  Fortunately between, my clothes and mommy's home thrift store I have enough to last me the next week and half.  :-)

Since I went to visit the kids, I went to the Bally's in Greenbelt for my workout.  WHOA what a diiference from the one on Central AVEnue.  SMH.

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Knowledge is power.

had a benefits meeting at work to provide us with overview of our insurance plans.  When I first got email of meeting...knew wasn't going to exciting.  whoa, people used this as " let me share personal tragedy talk show'.  don't get me wrong I don't mind hearing about your diffities and stories, wjen the time is right.  the biggest lesson was know your stuff, be your own advocate.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

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As my work tasks are picking up, I'm learning that I have to focus more on being thorough.  I'm making stupid mistakes that may have big consequences.  The work is not hard, just overwhelmingly mundane at times. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

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Be aggressive and mange your time.  don't allow room for people to throw you off

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A Message from the Word

Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24 (NIV)

Something to Think About:

Satan doesn't mind bible study never applied.