Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Page 38

I love being able to worship God at anytime.  Now, I'm not sure if it's quite the right thing to do, but I played several Fred Hammond songs via YouTube and just praised and worshiped God while at my desk.  It took everything in me not to start singing aloud and dancing.  My mini worship experience at work, definitely made the difference in my day.  What would've been another mundane regular day became an amazing day highlighted by the opportunity to be lost in His presence.   I can only imagine the joy that'll fill my heart and soul when I get to heaven.  As I listened to the words of songs such as 'Lord How I Love You', No Way You Won't Lose, Hold Me Together, He is Not Just a Man' a huge smile emerged from my face.  I think I understand what David says in Psalms 16:11 " You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."   Often we forget the personal benefits of worshiping God.  Yes, praise and worship are about honoring and exalting God.  But one of God's rewards top us for praise and worship is peace and joy.   When we praise and worship God, we bring down His presence and invite God to unleash His power that saves, heals, and delivers.  I'm so grateful that I do not have to wait until Sunday mornings to praise God or be in church to praise God.  His freedom allows me to worship any day, anytime, and anywhere.  Hallelujah! 

Something to Think About
"Without worship, we go about miserable."  --A. W. Tozer 

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