Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Page 37

I love having high self-esteem and confidence.  While I appreciate compliments and occasionally enjoy flirtatious gestures from males, they no longer define my worth.  Sometimes I blush and take  compliments too close to heart, but I do not allow these compliments determine how I feel about myself.  Knowing who I am and being able to see myself as beautiful, saves me from some dangerous encounters.  If I gave my number, my Facebook or email information to every guy that called me beautiful or sexy, I'd probably be a bruised and damaged wreck.  It's hard sometimes not to be deceived by sweet talking guys and their flattery.  But thank God for the power to resist. 

As I grow older, though, I'm realizing how much more I need God's wisdom in handling my interactions with males.  I totally believe and trust that God will bring my Mr. Right along at the right time, but I also know that I have to be prepared for that time.  I don't want to send out all the wrong signals ---via my dressing, behavior,or attitude--- and  attract the dogs while repulsing Mr. Right.  For me, that means improving my relationship skills and learning how to build strong friendships.  Additionally,   that means ensuring my interactions with other males is wholesome and appropriate so to not allow any ground for jealousy or distrust to be planted.  Most importantly, I need to protect my heart by not getting caught up in foolishness.  Just like I'm trusting God to bring me Mr. Right, my future husband is trusting God to bring him Ms. Right.  God has been working on transforming me from inside out.  He does now want the precious quality within me to be tarnished and abused by guys who do not understand my value.   I thank God for His word and the many people He has placed in my life that  have helped me recognize and accept the truth that I am  precious, beautiful, and valuable.  No ill intentioned guy can mess me up.

Something to Think About: 
“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere." --Anonymous

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