Are you operating in your gifting? Have you ever considered how important it is to operate in
your God given gift?
It is unfortunate that there are people all over the world who have yet to identify their gift think about all of the untapped potential that exists in the church. If you're not regularly operating in your gift, then you are not maximizing your potential. when we operate in our gifts, we not only build and edfiy the church by allowing for spiritual growth and development, but we begin to impact our generations, communities, and the world. When you operate in you spiritual gift, you function in your God given purpose which creates opportunity for successful living. Almost everything you do at home, work, church, or in the community should require you to use a gift, skill, or talent that God has given you. recognize that He has given all of us gifts to use for His glory. Once you identify your gift, don't compare it to anyone else's. each gift is important and has value in the body of Christ. Talk to God and listen to him to learn how He wants you to use your gifts. God has given us wonderful passions, gifts, and abilities so we can live a full life that glorifies Him.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Page 44
Sin and Temptation. Seems like revolving doors in a Christian's life. You're always resisting the urge to sin and fleeing from temptation. Heard an old message by TD Jakes that shared great revelation about the uniqueness of every Christians battle to be like Christ. there is a difference between testing and temptation. sometimes Christian will say God is tempting me or blame God for their sin. That's wrong. God will test, place us in trials in order to build our character ( insert scripture) but God will never tempt us. God is on our side. He doesn't want to bring us down. He'll never tempt us to sin because sin draws us away from Him, and not toward Him.
In James verse. I never caught that until recently. What the verse tells us is that each and everyone of us has a specific unique evil desire that.... That's why some of us struggle with sexual sins, other homosexuality, lying, stealing, bigotry, etc. As Christians we'll want to judge and question why she's always sexing, and why's because that sin is the person's evil and lustful desire is inclined to. the devil learns what our evil desire is and uses small subtle, but often effective, little games to lure us away from God, away from the hedge of protection He's set up for us. Our evil desires trap us in sin, not God and definitely not the devil. We tend to give the devil too much credit. He's not God, thus not all powerful or all knowing. Yes the devil sets up external inducements to sin may be placed before him, but they would have no force if there was not something in himself to which they corresponded, and over which they might have power. We are all born sinners (insert scripture reference). Though not all with equal prponseties to sin. Everyone has a corrupt nature, which has its residence in the heart; it is natural and hereditary to him, and therefore is called his own.
There can be no temptation unless something within us causes a sinful desire. That's why we all don't struggle with the same sin!! The sooner we recognize that and remember that sin is sin in God's eyes, then hopefully the sooner we can get the help we need. Instead of coming to church pretending we're perfect and all together, we should be sharing our struggles and temptation so we can receive encouragement and prayer.
In James verse. I never caught that until recently. What the verse tells us is that each and everyone of us has a specific unique evil desire that.... That's why some of us struggle with sexual sins, other homosexuality, lying, stealing, bigotry, etc. As Christians we'll want to judge and question why she's always sexing, and why's because that sin is the person's evil and lustful desire is inclined to. the devil learns what our evil desire is and uses small subtle, but often effective, little games to lure us away from God, away from the hedge of protection He's set up for us. Our evil desires trap us in sin, not God and definitely not the devil. We tend to give the devil too much credit. He's not God, thus not all powerful or all knowing. Yes the devil sets up external inducements to sin may be placed before him, but they would have no force if there was not something in himself to which they corresponded, and over which they might have power. We are all born sinners (insert scripture reference). Though not all with equal prponseties to sin. Everyone has a corrupt nature, which has its residence in the heart; it is natural and hereditary to him, and therefore is called his own.
There can be no temptation unless something within us causes a sinful desire. That's why we all don't struggle with the same sin!! The sooner we recognize that and remember that sin is sin in God's eyes, then hopefully the sooner we can get the help we need. Instead of coming to church pretending we're perfect and all together, we should be sharing our struggles and temptation so we can receive encouragement and prayer.
Page 59
Adolescent violence is a real widespread public health problem in the United States. It is the second leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 10 and 24. Though school shootings ( such as the recent school shooting in Ohio) appear to be the most tragic display of youth violence, youth violence also includes harmful behaviors such as bullying, slapping, or hitting. It's sad that lives are loss and people are endangered because someone didn't feel love and accepted.
Youth violence can be prevented. Truth is most teens who commit these acts of violence don't just wake up one morning and say "I'm going to be a bully or shoot up my school." Rarely were incidents of school violence sudden, impulsive acts. Just like with sin, there is slow and steady progression. A youth progresses from forming an idea, to planning an attack, to gathering weapons. For a variety of reasons peers or friends of perpetrators and victims of violence fail to communicate to an adult what they see. Pastors, teachers, family members, and parents often miss or ignore the behaviors of a teen crying out for help. We fail to do our part to stop the violence before it starts, or halt is escalation.
Simple acts of compassion and care can help to prevent youth violence. Many perpetrators at one point felt bullied, persecuted or injured by others prior to the attack. Some were coping with significant losses or personal failures and just needed strong support.
Even though school shootings are not as rampant as the media may make it seem, the truth is youth violence in various forms is. School safety goes beyond prevent violence and into creating a safe zone where all students feel welcomed. School safety includes physical and social changes to the environment to address the social and economic causes of violence.
While there is no single answer as to why adolescents resort to violence, there are clear contributing factors to address. Everyone needs to be educated on the warning signs, stop and prevent bullying, promote diversity acceptance, bring awareness to the reality of mental health issues, and most importantly, just show people we care.
Monday, March 5, 2012
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The Gospel
The good news is that Jesus came for all. His blood covers all our sins so we do not need to be ashamed of our past. His power is continually working in us, giving us power to overcome, so we do not need to be unashamed of our current temptations, trials, and test. It doesn't matter whether our sin is homosexuality, bigotry, lust, dirty tongue, etc. God's love is available to all. He wants us to embrace his freedom and share our weaknesses so we can be delivered.
The good news is that Jesus came for all. His blood covers all our sins so we do not need to be ashamed of our past. His power is continually working in us, giving us power to overcome, so we do not need to be unashamed of our current temptations, trials, and test. It doesn't matter whether our sin is homosexuality, bigotry, lust, dirty tongue, etc. God's love is available to all. He wants us to embrace his freedom and share our weaknesses so we can be delivered.
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Family Life
The family is the foundation for society. It's not rare to hear a laywer, therapist, or psychologist in court explain a suspects behavior in relation to their family background and structure. Teachers often attempt to understand a child's behavior by understanding their family life. There's little debate about it, that a family unit is very critical to an individual. Many will also go a step further and argue, with valid evidence, the importance of the family in society. The family and the general good of society are in some ways interdependent. Fractured families tend to produce fractured people, with varying degrees of antisocial behaviors, whom only God can heal. The problem with most US families today isn't simply the high divorce rate, but the dysfunctions occuring in the family. No one undertsands their role or position. A wise man once said, "When the man of the house is out of place, God is replaced, the woman is misplaced, and the children are displaced." Our future prosperity and health are anchored in the strength of our family relationships. Once the relationship between parents and children disintegrates the very fabric of society begins to unravel. The same is true for the relationship between husband and wife. Our family relationships are where we begin to learn love, patience, trust, respect, teamwork, forgiveness, diversity, open communication and other valuable traits. The truth is those from healthy families (not necessarily ideal, perfect, or "normal") exhibit better emotional and psychological well-being and are less likely to display behavioral problems such as school violence, juvenile delinquency and substance abuse.
As a society we need to begin to consider how we can rebuild and strengthen the family. How do we begin to communicate regularly with honesty and love? How do we begin to discuss the taboo subjects of domestic violence, incest, molestation, and abuse? Better yet, how do we prevent these sinful behaviors. How do we create families that play, pray, and eat together? I don't have any concrete answers, but I know it starts with God. God, the creator of life, creator of the family unit. We need to use His Word as the standard. We need to ask God for wisdom and to show us what family is supposed to be.
Deuteronomy 6:6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
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If there's nothing in your life that you're passionate about, then you're probably not really living.
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A culture of excellence
We need to be a culture not just of excellence, but also an accelerative culture. One that progresses and moves forward, neither of which can you do without struggle. We have to be afraid of complacency and the status quo rather than afraid of change and struggles. The fights for justice, equality, and liberty is never one when people are to afraid the challenge the norm.
We need to be a culture not just of excellence, but also an accelerative culture. One that progresses and moves forward, neither of which can you do without struggle. We have to be afraid of complacency and the status quo rather than afraid of change and struggles. The fights for justice, equality, and liberty is never one when people are to afraid the challenge the norm.
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A Message from the Word
At sometime and point everyone has dreams. Some people have dreams and goals their whole life. Others stop dreaming once they become adults An important thing to remember when in persuit of your dreams is that your dreams are bigger than you. surroiund self with people wjo
At sometime and point everyone has dreams. Some people have dreams and goals their whole life. Others stop dreaming once they become adults An important thing to remember when in persuit of your dreams is that your dreams are bigger than you. surroiund self with people wjo
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
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A Message From the Word
In most churches and religious circles, money is a topic. People evoke a variety of emotions when preachers talk about tithing, giving to the poor, prosperity or other money related topic. The Bible has a plethora of scriptures teaching us about budgeting, business management, caring for the poor, saving money, contentment, and much more. the problem with most people who hate talking bout money isn't a lack of money or wealth but rather the absence of knowledge proper biblical money management. In church I learned that for many Christians, their inability to fulfill their dreams is because they have failed to apply biblical principals to their finances. The Bible is very clear that God will only entrust His treasures to people who /he can trust. God allows various "small stage" scenarios in our lives to reveal to us that we have what we need necessary to be on the "high stage" He's called us to be. As Christians it's important for us to study not only the promises of God teaching about healing, blessings, and prosperity, but also the principles of God teaching about discipline, generosity, and self-control (all part of financial management). If we want God to usher us into our dreams, we need to practice biblical money management.
Proverbs 24:3-4Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
In most churches and religious circles, money is a topic. People evoke a variety of emotions when preachers talk about tithing, giving to the poor, prosperity or other money related topic. The Bible has a plethora of scriptures teaching us about budgeting, business management, caring for the poor, saving money, contentment, and much more. the problem with most people who hate talking bout money isn't a lack of money or wealth but rather the absence of knowledge proper biblical money management. In church I learned that for many Christians, their inability to fulfill their dreams is because they have failed to apply biblical principals to their finances. The Bible is very clear that God will only entrust His treasures to people who /he can trust. God allows various "small stage" scenarios in our lives to reveal to us that we have what we need necessary to be on the "high stage" He's called us to be. As Christians it's important for us to study not only the promises of God teaching about healing, blessings, and prosperity, but also the principles of God teaching about discipline, generosity, and self-control (all part of financial management). If we want God to usher us into our dreams, we need to practice biblical money management.
Proverbs 24:3-4Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Monday, February 13, 2012
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Work is picking up and its bittersweet. Still not doing the work I thought I 'd be doing but happy to have tasks to do.
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Don't live life on the sidelines. listen to the Voice of Truth step out of the boat, confront your giants, and make your mark in history.
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Facebook, the news, Twitter, etc are all filled with talks about the legendary Whitney Houston. One comment or theme that really has me thinking is summed up by this quite "One person (i.e. Houston) dies, and 1 million cry. 100 million die everyday and no cries)" It's true. Whenever a famous artist, athlete, or actor dies it's broadcast over every possible news outlet. however, only CNN and a few other news organization highlight the massacres in Syria and the deaths of many due to famine and civil war. Why? What is it about our society, our culture that we care more about the fortunate than the less fortunate? We don't really even care about the starts as opposed to interested in the drama going on in their lives. I think it is partially because of our selfish tendencies. We care more about what people can do for us, than what we can do for other people. More than likely the reason why we don't cry or think about the millions that die oversea is because they're not doing anything for, they're not affecting our lives. We don't consider how we can impact the life of others or how we can make a difference in the lives of generations to come. I love and respect Whitney Houston, Steve Jobs and other inspirational people who have passed away. But I have to wonder how life would be different if we were more interested in the issues and lives of other people, especially those less fortunate. From caring comes courage.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
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Often I think we forget to Praise God and celebrate the daily victories, or small victories, in our life. Even with our battle against sin, we have to learn to thank God every time we choose to do the right thing, especially when doing wrong is easier. Each and everyday we have to 'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 1:7). As we connect with God daily, He renews our strength and encourages us to stay strong. Our big victories over sin and temptations are often the result of little victories guided by self-control and self-discipline. The “little victories” will add up to the bigger goal. So as we continue to strive to be more like Christ, to live healthier and fuller lives, let us continue to seek God's face, not be satisfied or content with where we are, and always press towards the mark.
“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” -- Louis L'Amour
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
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I love being able to worship God at anytime. Now, I'm not sure if it's quite the right thing to do, but I played several Fred Hammond songs via YouTube and just praised and worshiped God while at my desk. It took everything in me not to start singing aloud and dancing. My mini worship experience at work, definitely made the difference in my day. What would've been another mundane regular day became an amazing day highlighted by the opportunity to be lost in His presence. I can only imagine the joy that'll fill my heart and soul when I get to heaven. As I listened to the words of songs such as 'Lord How I Love You', No Way You Won't Lose, Hold Me Together, He is Not Just a Man' a huge smile emerged from my face. I think I understand what David says in Psalms 16:11 "
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Often we forget the personal benefits of worshiping God. Yes, praise and worship are about honoring and exalting God. But one of God's rewards top us for praise and worship is peace and joy. When we praise and worship God, we bring down His presence and invite God to unleash His power that saves, heals, and delivers. I'm so grateful that I do not have to wait until Sunday mornings to praise God or be in church to praise God. His freedom allows me to worship any day, anytime, and anywhere. Hallelujah!
Something to Think About
"Without worship, we go about miserable." --A. W. Tozer
Something to Think About
"Without worship, we go about miserable." --A. W. Tozer
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Page 34
Another week has come and gone. I've added another duty to my internship: looking up tweets! I love it. A coworker said she needed help gathering information to tweet. My workload is still very light so I did not hesitate too long to ask her if I could assist her with that task (and of course she said Yes). I'm going to start praying for more opportunities to help other employees with their work. Eventually, this internship will end and I'll have to find another job. I need to make sure I leave here with marketable, not just template recommendation letters. I'm praying that this job helps to open some opportunity come June. I've browsed and have seen some jobs that I think I would now qualify for that I didn't qualify for 6 months ago.
A good article to check out (
I am constantly reminded to thank God for the job, the paycheck, and the health insurance;but, I'm also reminded to continue praying that I move on to something better, more challenging and rewarding . Right now, I honestly feel as though I'm not challenged enough at work and need something different. Since this is also a grant funded internship (and there are no vacancies), there is very limited promotion potential. I need to think ahead and begin to polish my resume so I can attract the attention of a hiring manager working for a company that is going somewhere. I'm a little nervous and scared to begin the job search again, mostly because I'm still relatively inexperienced and not sure how to effectively show what I can bring to the table. However, I am confident that God is ordering my steps and has picked out the perfect job for me already. I just need to be remember not to be overwhelmed and know that I have to keep moving forward. Most importantly, I must trust and obey.
Something To Think About
"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." - Oliver Wendall Holmes -A good article to check out (
Page 37
I love having high self-esteem and confidence. While I appreciate compliments and occasionally enjoy flirtatious gestures from males, they no longer define my worth. Sometimes I blush and take compliments too close to heart, but I do not allow these compliments determine how I feel about myself. Knowing who I am and being able to see myself as beautiful, saves me from some dangerous encounters. If I gave my number, my Facebook or email information to every guy that called me beautiful or sexy, I'd probably be a bruised and damaged wreck. It's hard sometimes not to be deceived by sweet talking guys and their flattery. But thank God for the power to resist.
As I grow older, though, I'm realizing how much more I need God's wisdom in handling my interactions with males. I totally believe and trust that God will bring my Mr. Right along at the right time, but I also know that I have to be prepared for that time. I don't want to send out all the wrong signals ---via my dressing, behavior,or attitude--- and attract the dogs while repulsing Mr. Right. For me, that means improving my relationship skills and learning how to build strong friendships. Additionally, that means ensuring my interactions with other males is wholesome and appropriate so to not allow any ground for jealousy or distrust to be planted. Most importantly, I need to protect my heart by not getting caught up in foolishness. Just like I'm trusting God to bring me Mr. Right, my future husband is trusting God to bring him Ms. Right. God has been working on transforming me from inside out. He does now want the precious quality within me to be tarnished and abused by guys who do not understand my value. I thank God for His word and the many people He has placed in my life that have helped me recognize and accept the truth that I am precious, beautiful, and valuable. No ill intentioned guy can mess me up.
As I grow older, though, I'm realizing how much more I need God's wisdom in handling my interactions with males. I totally believe and trust that God will bring my Mr. Right along at the right time, but I also know that I have to be prepared for that time. I don't want to send out all the wrong signals ---via my dressing, behavior,or attitude--- and attract the dogs while repulsing Mr. Right. For me, that means improving my relationship skills and learning how to build strong friendships. Additionally, that means ensuring my interactions with other males is wholesome and appropriate so to not allow any ground for jealousy or distrust to be planted. Most importantly, I need to protect my heart by not getting caught up in foolishness. Just like I'm trusting God to bring me Mr. Right, my future husband is trusting God to bring him Ms. Right. God has been working on transforming me from inside out. He does now want the precious quality within me to be tarnished and abused by guys who do not understand my value. I thank God for His word and the many people He has placed in my life that have helped me recognize and accept the truth that I am precious, beautiful, and valuable. No ill intentioned guy can mess me up.
Something to Think About:
“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere." --AnonymousPage 36
A Message from the Word
Today at ACF our lesson topic was "Who is Jesus?" We shared our personal views of Jesus then looked at several scriptures. I am amazed at how one man could be so many things to so many people. According to the Bible, Jesus is everything from the fountain that cleanses and purifies to the life-giver to the light of the world to beginning and the end. The Bible is clear, Jesus is not just a man. Many skeptics and scholars also believe that Jesus was more, thus the questioned is often simplified to Who is Jesus: liar, lunatic, or Lord.
To me, I think Jesus is the friend I don't want or deserve but the friend I need and love. He's always there to encourage and speak life into my dead situations but He's also there reminding to live Holy and take the road often less traveled. Whats amazing about Jesus is that rather than allow others to tell you who He is, he reveals Himself to you. As we spend more time with Him, as we continually cling to Him, He faithfully shows us who He is so to build our confidence in Him. When the question is posed: "Who is Jesus: a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?" My relationship and experience with Jesus allows me to answer boldly the question with, "Jesus is Lord!". See He's not just a savior that I can call on (like a genie) to come rescue me when I'm in trouble. He's much more. Jesus is Lord, the one I submit to so I reduce the amount of trouble I bring into my life. I don't treat Jesus with the respect that I should or give Him the love I should. Nonetheless, He is always there never backing out of His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Jesus is awesome and real. He truly is my all in all.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Today at ACF our lesson topic was "Who is Jesus?" We shared our personal views of Jesus then looked at several scriptures. I am amazed at how one man could be so many things to so many people. According to the Bible, Jesus is everything from the fountain that cleanses and purifies to the life-giver to the light of the world to beginning and the end. The Bible is clear, Jesus is not just a man. Many skeptics and scholars also believe that Jesus was more, thus the questioned is often simplified to Who is Jesus: liar, lunatic, or Lord.
To me, I think Jesus is the friend I don't want or deserve but the friend I need and love. He's always there to encourage and speak life into my dead situations but He's also there reminding to live Holy and take the road often less traveled. Whats amazing about Jesus is that rather than allow others to tell you who He is, he reveals Himself to you. As we spend more time with Him, as we continually cling to Him, He faithfully shows us who He is so to build our confidence in Him. When the question is posed: "Who is Jesus: a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?" My relationship and experience with Jesus allows me to answer boldly the question with, "Jesus is Lord!". See He's not just a savior that I can call on (like a genie) to come rescue me when I'm in trouble. He's much more. Jesus is Lord, the one I submit to so I reduce the amount of trouble I bring into my life. I don't treat Jesus with the respect that I should or give Him the love I should. Nonetheless, He is always there never backing out of His promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Jesus is awesome and real. He truly is my all in all.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Page 28
When the time comes to stand, will I stand? Every now and then this question is posed and I almost always miss the oppurtunity to show my ability to stand up for what matters most: my friends and family. It's like my desire to be carefree and avoid drama at all costs cripples me. Fear disables my courage and makes it hard to be bold and speak up. I just wish the courage deep within me would rise up at the right moments. I'm not trying to start a revolution or even fight for rights. I just want my friends and family members to be confident in knowing I have their back.
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.”
Norman Vincent Peale
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.”
Page 27
It's Friday!! And. yes I'm excited. My sister is coming for a visit. :-) She (whatever silly reason) wants to keep it a surprise from the parentals. I guess it makes her visit more meaningful. I love when Joan comes home, simply because I get to talk to her in person. Talking on the phone is annoying for me, because it's not always clear and its difficult for me to understand. Also the timing isn't always perfect so typically one of us is too tired to really engage in conversation. So a trip home is always welcomed. I know she's a little upset because I won't be home right after work but I have an ACFYA fundraising meeting. We need to raise at least $7,000 to put on a decent conference.
Studying God’s Word will change your life, if you put what you learn in practice. --Rick Warren
I've been doing Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotionals. Recently the devotions have focused on studying and applying the Word to our lives. It's been a convicting and awakening ...for me. For awhile, my quiet times were becoming dry and uninteresting to me. Now my quiet times include not just reading a devotional but really reading and meditating on the scripture passage. One key theme clear in the devotions and should be evident in Christians lives is 'studying the Bible changes your life.' As a Christian, as we study and apply the Bible to our lives a change should be evident to all.
Studying God’s Word will change your life, if you put what you learn in practice. --Rick Warren
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It seems like God is always trying to humbling me. Just when I think I'm close to being humble, God reveals to me other areas I need to work on. He's constantly working on areas such as asking for forgiveness, letting others shine, and not working to get human praise.
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It's tru wat they say about time flying by when you do something you love. I've been working on ACF support letters and NMA tweets that by the time the workload begins to slow down it's after 2pm. I'm always shocked when I look at clock wondering where the time went.
Monday, January 30, 2012
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Today was another ACFYA work day. My supervisor didn't have any tasks for me, so I dedicated most of my day to doing random tasks related to the conference. On days like this, I wish I could work for ACF since I alread do so much work for them ( work I enjoy admittedly). These days also remind me of the highs and lows of office work. While I love having time to fulfill my commitment to ACF, I wish i had a job that required increased interactions with other people. there are few things I do at work that I could honestly be doing at home. I'm not complaining about my job, I'm truly grateful for the answered prayer, I just wish my job required more energy and thought from me. It's frustrating often because I don't know what to do. I want to take initiative, but am not sure where to begin. I wish I had deliverable to submit at least 3 times a week so I'd feel as though I was accomplishing something. My supervisor has told me once policy conference planning starts I'd have my hands fulls..I'm beginning to long for those moments. Until then. I'll continue serving ACFYA to ensure I do my part in making the conference awesome. I'm also going to continue to pray that God opens the doors to the perfect job for me. A wonderful welcoming work environment, where I do work the constantly excites me. I want my next job to have clear purpose and meaning.
Something To Think About
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Something To Think About
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Page 29
A Message From the Word
Never forget in the light, what God has spoken ti you in the darkness
At Zion Church, Pastor Battle continued the series "Journey to your Dream" One of his points was : 'Don't forget what said' He used the story of the Israelite in Numbers 1to illustrate his point. As you read the entire story of the Israelites up to this point, you notice that Canaan was the land God promised to them several times. God told them and their ancestors " enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession ". He also told them that He'd drive out the inhabitants wrongfully owning the land. Yet, when the opportunity to cease their property and witness a promise fulfilled came, they forgot the Word of the Lord and made a decision based on fear (another good point/message for another day). Often as Christians we do the same thing. We allow fear and our current situation to alter our destiny. In times of trouble and desperation, instead of relying on God's Word and reminding ourselves of His promises we get scared and walk away from God's plan. Be careful not to end up like the many Israelites who ended up never seeing the promise land because they couldn't trust and believe in God's plan. Meditate on God's Word and treasure His promises.
Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 1: 30)
Friday, January 27, 2012
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It's great to be in a fun christian safe environment. acfya dc had a fellowship tonight at Chika's parent's house. typically, I'm hesistant to go to get togethers with ACFYA because I don't feel as though I quite fit in. for some reason this time was different. Not only did I have fun, but I felt free to be. I didn't feel the need to put on a mask
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Today was another ACFYA work day. My super didn't have any tasks for me, so I dedicated most of my day to doing random tasks related to the conference. On days like this, I wish I could work for ACF simnce I alread do so much work for them ( work I enjoy admittedly)
I went to Small Group again. It was more a time of fellowship rather than Bible Study (which I'm craving)
I went to Small Group again. It was more a time of fellowship rather than Bible Study (which I'm craving)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
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What a busy day!! This saturday was the first one in a long time where when I left the house in the morning, I didn't see it again until late in the evening. Needless to say, I was tired.
the day started with
It's good to be blessed. It's better to be a blessing. ~Author Unknown
the day started with
It's good to be blessed. It's better to be a blessing. ~Author Unknown
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My SParkPeople fitness tip was to do a little more cardio this week. They recommended sevralk ways to do that. At first I just brushed off the tip and decided toignore it during my next workout. However, when I walked into the gym I got a random otivation and ecided why not " Go the distance, push a little harder". I'm glad I did, because that workout felt really good. for my warm-up cardio, I did 10 minutes on the Stairmaster at an increased resistance level of 4. it was soooooo intense. About 8 min in. I may not loose 50lbs anytime soon, but I'll be happy and healthy because of the hard work I put in, when at gym.
Thinking about my work-out reminds me of how God wants us to "Go the distance and push a little harder" in our Christain faith. Imagine the difference, if we read our Bibles a little more each day or week, prayed for more people or issues, showed a little more love to other, or.
Something to think About:
I think that my biggest attribute to any success that I have had is hard work. There really is no substitute for working hard.
Maria Bartiromo
Thinking about my work-out reminds me of how God wants us to "Go the distance and push a little harder" in our Christain faith. Imagine the difference, if we read our Bibles a little more each day or week, prayed for more people or issues, showed a little more love to other, or.
Something to think About:
I think that my biggest attribute to any success that I have had is hard work. There really is no substitute for working hard.
Maria Bartiromo
Page 19
I got to see my energy buddles today. :-) I love KF they always bring moments of fun and love. I think F was so shocked to see me after a long time. He responded with a scream, a "No", a hug attack, and tears after being scolded. LOL. Kemi was happy to have another play pal and didn't waste much time asking me to play a new game they bought. It's called Matching Ducks or something similar. While a rather fun game for kids, it's a potentially annoying and loud game for adults. The ducks constantly move around a pound and quack until there's a winner. The kids loved the game and both won a round. I was impressed to see F knew his colors so well. My lil bud is so smart. In my excitement of seieng them I forgoit to pick up my work clothes I left over two weeks ago. Fortunately between, my clothes and mommy's home thrift store I have enough to last me the next week and half. :-)
Since I went to visit the kids, I went to the Bally's in Greenbelt for my workout. WHOA what a diiference from the one on Central AVEnue. SMH.
Since I went to visit the kids, I went to the Bally's in Greenbelt for my workout. WHOA what a diiference from the one on Central AVEnue. SMH.
Page 18
Knowledge is power.
had a benefits meeting at work to provide us with overview of our insurance plans. When I first got email of meeting...knew wasn't going to exciting. whoa, people used this as " let me share personal tragedy talk show'. don't get me wrong I don't mind hearing about your diffities and stories, wjen the time is right. the biggest lesson was know your stuff, be your own advocate.
had a benefits meeting at work to provide us with overview of our insurance plans. When I first got email of meeting...knew wasn't going to exciting. whoa, people used this as " let me share personal tragedy talk show'. don't get me wrong I don't mind hearing about your diffities and stories, wjen the time is right. the biggest lesson was know your stuff, be your own advocate.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
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As my work tasks are picking up, I'm learning that I have to focus more on being thorough. I'm making stupid mistakes that may have big consequences. The work is not hard, just overwhelmingly mundane at times.
Monday, January 23, 2012
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A Message from the Word
Something to Think About:
Satan doesn't mind bible study never applied.
Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24 (NIV)
Something to Think About:
Satan doesn't mind bible study never applied.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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I had one of the most frustrating but rewarding experiences today. For the conference, I wanted to invite a new, upcoming minister from the DC area: MWS. Before I invite a speaker, I've been trying to make it a practice that at least more than one committee/board member agrees to the invite. (Like Proverbs says attain wise counsel ). I asked MWS to give me a copy of one of his sermons so I could share with select members of the committee. When he gave me a CD I thought " No problem. Just download to my computer and send it out via email" Boy was I wrong. It literally has taken me about 2 days to get the file sent. First, I tried email but was told the file was too big to be sent as an attachment. Then, I tried to send it as a Google document but 2 out of the 3 people I sent it to couldn't retrieve the file. I tried to resend it as a Mp3 file as opposed to an Mp4 file, but that failed too. I couldn't figure out why this was so difficult. Was God trying to tell me something? Should MWS not be invited? Should I just go ahead and invite him without any consensus? I just couldn't understand what was happening. So I decided to pray, walk away, and take a break so I wouldn't become too upset and overwhelmed.
Later, I thought about sharing the file via YouTube. However, when I tried YouTube the first time, YouTube rejected the file because it was audio and not video. Fortunately, YouTube in its user friendly awesomeness provided a link to a page that gave step-by-step instructions on how to convert an audio file to a movie file using Windows movie maker. Yea, finally a light emerging out from the end of the tunnel!! Though it took me another 1-3 hrs, I was able to take the message, break into three clips/videos, and upload them to YouTube. I was sooo happy. The links to the videos worked and people were able to listen to the message and give me feedback.
As I reflected on this challenge, I reminded of the patience needed at times to learn lessons from the Master Teacher. He taught me to relax and trust Him when things are tough. Also to open my heart and mind so I can see and understand the message in the mess. There's is something to be gained in every struggle. Find the lesson in the struggle and focus on it. The lesson won't necessarily make the struggle any easier, but it will keep the struggle from being pointless. We have to be diligent and persevere, so we can learn the lesson. Through it all I learned some new skills that I'm excited to use. I now know how to use Window movie maker and upload videos to YouTube. I'm excited about how to use these skills in various ways to share my stories and help other people.
Something to Think About:
Later, I thought about sharing the file via YouTube. However, when I tried YouTube the first time, YouTube rejected the file because it was audio and not video. Fortunately, YouTube in its user friendly awesomeness provided a link to a page that gave step-by-step instructions on how to convert an audio file to a movie file using Windows movie maker. Yea, finally a light emerging out from the end of the tunnel!! Though it took me another 1-3 hrs, I was able to take the message, break into three clips/videos, and upload them to YouTube. I was sooo happy. The links to the videos worked and people were able to listen to the message and give me feedback.
As I reflected on this challenge, I reminded of the patience needed at times to learn lessons from the Master Teacher. He taught me to relax and trust Him when things are tough. Also to open my heart and mind so I can see and understand the message in the mess. There's is something to be gained in every struggle. Find the lesson in the struggle and focus on it. The lesson won't necessarily make the struggle any easier, but it will keep the struggle from being pointless. We have to be diligent and persevere, so we can learn the lesson. Through it all I learned some new skills that I'm excited to use. I now know how to use Window movie maker and upload videos to YouTube. I'm excited about how to use these skills in various ways to share my stories and help other people.
Something to Think About:
Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought. Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
Napoleon Hill
Monday, January 16, 2012
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Dr. Martin Luther King was a minister, activist, and prominent leader in the civil rights movement.
Today in the USA we honor and reflect on his life and legacy. For me, what I admire most about is his ability to truly put is faith and love in action. Dr. King saw the injustices occurring in the US. He didn't just pray and fast, trusting the God to magically make the world a better place. Instead, he prayed and allowed God to use him to be the change he was praying for. Dr. King's legacy challenges me to not only dream for better world where peace, justice, and love reign, but to be actively involved in achieving the dream. Additionally, Dr. King's life reminds me of a common church saying " Only what you do for Christ will last." While alive, King probably wasn't too worried about what people thought of him. He most likely thought about how he can honor God with his life. When he was discouraged or weary during the fight for justice and equality, he may have been encouraged to push forward thinking about how he honoring God now. One of the best ways to ensure you live a legacy is to serve Christ and be obedient to Him. If we do everything we do to the honor of God and not unto man, then we will leave legacy.
Today in the USA we honor and reflect on his life and legacy. For me, what I admire most about is his ability to truly put is faith and love in action. Dr. King saw the injustices occurring in the US. He didn't just pray and fast, trusting the God to magically make the world a better place. Instead, he prayed and allowed God to use him to be the change he was praying for. Dr. King's legacy challenges me to not only dream for better world where peace, justice, and love reign, but to be actively involved in achieving the dream. Additionally, Dr. King's life reminds me of a common church saying " Only what you do for Christ will last." While alive, King probably wasn't too worried about what people thought of him. He most likely thought about how he can honor God with his life. When he was discouraged or weary during the fight for justice and equality, he may have been encouraged to push forward thinking about how he honoring God now. One of the best ways to ensure you live a legacy is to serve Christ and be obedient to Him. If we do everything we do to the honor of God and not unto man, then we will leave legacy.
Something to Think About
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his
individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. --- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
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Today is my sister's Birthday!! I love her. She's a wonderful person with a great future ahead of her. She is my closest confidant and best friend.
Without question, one thing love when I'm working in a group or team is when everyone is on the same page. Especially, in ministry it's awesome when God places similar thoughts and ideas in everyone's heart. While working with another youth coordinator and as God would have our ideas and goals were along the same line. Praise the Lord!! Additionally, they were very similar to that of ACF DC leadership. Will you look at God! Our meeting was so efficient and productive. I pray that God blesses the plans we developed and uses all the YAs and adults involved to minister the youth. We really want the youth to be excited about learning more about God, Christianity, and their God-given purpose.
Without question, one thing love when I'm working in a group or team is when everyone is on the same page. Especially, in ministry it's awesome when God places similar thoughts and ideas in everyone's heart. While working with another youth coordinator and as God would have our ideas and goals were along the same line. Praise the Lord!! Additionally, they were very similar to that of ACF DC leadership. Will you look at God! Our meeting was so efficient and productive. I pray that God blesses the plans we developed and uses all the YAs and adults involved to minister the youth. We really want the youth to be excited about learning more about God, Christianity, and their God-given purpose.
Something to Think About:
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie
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While I'm not always excited to talk to people, I do take time to listen to people when they want to share issues of the heart. Often I consider it a privilege to listen to people's problems and remember them in prayer. Two stories I heard this week, both relations, really made me sad.
When I heard these stories it reminded me of the painful truth that people face struggles regularly. Behind smiles, mean glares, and nonchalant faces are sometimes hurting people. I'm learning to only be there to listen but to also pray and care.
- A woman who lives here in the US lost her mom who lived Nigeria. Even though, the mom was ill for some time, so she knew her mother's death was near the pain was strong. what's makes this woman's story disheartening is that she has an older brother here in the US who has decided not help/host traditional ceremonies. This woman doesn't have a lot of money and is in a very tough job situation. She thought that she and her brother would work together, but the brother has abandoned his responsibilities and left her to work alone. On top of that, her husband is offering no emotional support. Now she's feel alone, overwhelmed, and is grieving.
- A young adult is now living with her extended family. Her mother has a mental illness and may or may not be taking her medication. Mom is unable to keep a steady, good paying job because she makes poor decisions. The young adult has a 30k job. The money she makes goes to not only pay her bills, but some of her mother's, and her grandmothers
When I heard these stories it reminded me of the painful truth that people face struggles regularly. Behind smiles, mean glares, and nonchalant faces are sometimes hurting people. I'm learning to only be there to listen but to also pray and care.
Something to Think About
Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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It's time to recap the week, the first full week of 2012 ( at least the days I remember).
Sunday started out on downward slope but definitely ended on the upside. ACF had Legacy Day and to say the least the planning was subpar. I felt a little overwhelmed and frustrated ( mainly with my self) because how the program was going to pull together was unclear. I dropped the ball and didn't put forth the time and effort to planning I thought I should have. Looking back, I think God was trying to remind me that I am not perfect. I will forget, become busy, etc and not do everything I plan to do. He understands that and already makes provisions for things to come together for His glory. He's always there and prepared to cover for my shortcomings. Our first idea got somewhat shut down, then got a somewhat green light, and ultimately I gave it yellow. In the end I praise God because the final (combined idea) program worked really well. We had a POtL testimony day. The adults shared their stories and lessons we should learn from it. Praise and Worship was......we'll let's just say there's obvious room for improvement. The evening ended with chill family time at the Adewoles. They cooked food over the weekend and invited us over to help them eat some of it. The food was sooo good. My cousins can cook!! Even though, we rarely do anything exciting or out the norm when we go there and at times the awkward silence feels fatal, I do enjoy spending time in their presence.
Monday was time to 'celebrate' the New Year. Which means sleeping in to at least past 9. I started off with about 2hrs in the gym. It wasn't too bad. Picked up one or two exercises two incorporate into my routine. Then I went with Joan to finish returns at the mall and grab a bite to eat. I took an amazing 2hr nap when we got home . I helped my dad organize hos prescriptions from work.Then had to say goodbye to my sister. :-/ She headed back to Philly to finish strong her last semester at Drexel ( hopefully as a non medical student)
Tuesday it was back to work. My supervisor was on his second week of vacation and I had the ongoing task of keeping myself occupied and productive. Fortunately, a co-worker needs help clearing her work desk and a few other tasks. Though I'm not doing anything too exciting, I am doing something so i;m not complaining. One benefit of working with her is that she's impressed with my work and tells the other employees. So a positive reputation is floating around the office about me. Praise God.
Thursday I made a mistake at work that hopefully won't hurt me too bad. I sent out a mass email to people on several membership lists. Unfortunately, I put the email addresses on the "To:" line instead of the "Bcc:" line. I realized my error about 5 minutes too late. I received several emails from people basically saying they felt their privacy was invaded and they didn't like that others could see their email address. I felt awful. Later I realized that emailing lots of people at one time also causes the emails to be bounced back. So I had to redo the task at hand. Talk about frustrating. Thursdays work day just ended on such a sour note.
Saturday- I love these kids!! Such an energetic bundles of fun. They always do or say something that simply hilarious. These two are a definite blessing. I considered it an honor and privilege to babysit them. After a day of errandsand cleaning, I'm happy to end the night with them.
Sunday started out on downward slope but definitely ended on the upside. ACF had Legacy Day and to say the least the planning was subpar. I felt a little overwhelmed and frustrated ( mainly with my self) because how the program was going to pull together was unclear. I dropped the ball and didn't put forth the time and effort to planning I thought I should have. Looking back, I think God was trying to remind me that I am not perfect. I will forget, become busy, etc and not do everything I plan to do. He understands that and already makes provisions for things to come together for His glory. He's always there and prepared to cover for my shortcomings. Our first idea got somewhat shut down, then got a somewhat green light, and ultimately I gave it yellow. In the end I praise God because the final (combined idea) program worked really well. We had a POtL testimony day. The adults shared their stories and lessons we should learn from it. Praise and Worship was......we'll let's just say there's obvious room for improvement. The evening ended with chill family time at the Adewoles. They cooked food over the weekend and invited us over to help them eat some of it. The food was sooo good. My cousins can cook!! Even though, we rarely do anything exciting or out the norm when we go there and at times the awkward silence feels fatal, I do enjoy spending time in their presence.
Monday was time to 'celebrate' the New Year. Which means sleeping in to at least past 9. I started off with about 2hrs in the gym. It wasn't too bad. Picked up one or two exercises two incorporate into my routine. Then I went with Joan to finish returns at the mall and grab a bite to eat. I took an amazing 2hr nap when we got home . I helped my dad organize hos prescriptions from work.Then had to say goodbye to my sister. :-/ She headed back to Philly to finish strong her last semester at Drexel ( hopefully as a non medical student)
Tuesday it was back to work. My supervisor was on his second week of vacation and I had the ongoing task of keeping myself occupied and productive. Fortunately, a co-worker needs help clearing her work desk and a few other tasks. Though I'm not doing anything too exciting, I am doing something so i;m not complaining. One benefit of working with her is that she's impressed with my work and tells the other employees. So a positive reputation is floating around the office about me. Praise God.
Thursday I made a mistake at work that hopefully won't hurt me too bad. I sent out a mass email to people on several membership lists. Unfortunately, I put the email addresses on the "To:" line instead of the "Bcc:" line. I realized my error about 5 minutes too late. I received several emails from people basically saying they felt their privacy was invaded and they didn't like that others could see their email address. I felt awful. Later I realized that emailing lots of people at one time also causes the emails to be bounced back. So I had to redo the task at hand. Talk about frustrating. Thursdays work day just ended on such a sour note.
Saturday- I love these kids!! Such an energetic bundles of fun. They always do or say something that simply hilarious. These two are a definite blessing. I considered it an honor and privilege to babysit them. After a day of errandsand cleaning, I'm happy to end the night with them.
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A Message From The Word
Three weeks into the new year and already some of us have ditched their new year's resolutions. Others of us are beginning to feel discouraged. And some of us are still going strong. No matter where we are on the spectrum, God's word has encouragement and advice to guide us along the way.
Two stories I heard this morning were very inspiring. Coincidentally, both are found in the book of Genesis (SN: Genesis means beginning, sometimes the best decision you can make is to Begin!) . The first is Genesis 19:1-29 which tells the story of Lot and his family being rescued from Sodom and Gomorrah. The other is found in Genesis 11: 27-32 which tells of Terah, Abraham's father, moving his family to Canaan. Read both stories carefully and thoroughly and I'm sure you'll find some amazing points. The two I want to share are: 1) Don't look back 2) Be careful not to stop, settle, and stay when you're pursuing your dreams.
Lot's wife was headed to better life ( like seriously anywhere other than Sodom and Gomorrah had to be better) but she couldn't be obedient to God's plan and instruction. She just couldn't let go of her past. She looked back. When moving toward your dreams, you can't be bound to people, places, and things that will not help you achieve your dream and god-given purpose. God has called you forward, so leave the foolishness behind. Don't look back, and be stuck in your past. Look ahead, live in your present and always prepared to walk into your future.
Terah made plans to move his family to Canaan, what would eventually become the Promise Land. He gathered them together and set out. Unfortunately, when he arrived at Harran he stopped. Terah didn't just take a quick break to get some rest and be refreshed. No he stopped and settled. He stayed in Harran. This wasn't his original destination. When in pursuit of your dreams, don't settle for less when God has more. Don't be content with a high school diploma, if you're dream is to earn a doctorate. If you want to loose 50lbs, don't get content with loosing 25lbs. Whatever your goal or dream is, continue to actively pursue it until you've achieved it.
Something to Think About:
"The only real difference between someone who "made it" and someone who will always wonder "what's making it like?" is that someone who "made it" BEGAN and then NEVER LOOKED BACK." --Exceptional Living
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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Something to Think About:
"A zero can be added or subtracted without changing the sum. A zero can also be used as a place holder. When do people get when they get you?" --Bishop TD Jakes
It's Monday. My first full work week in two weeks. It'll be a little rough, but with God I know I can survive. This past Saturday Bishop T.D. Jakes held a free leadership training at my church. A friend of mine via Facebook shared various snippets. The quote above was one of my favorites. When I read the quote, it challenged me to think, "What's my value in this group, community, and/or family?" God always has a task or purpose to fulfill when he places us somewhere. We need to learn to ask God to reveal the purpose or task, and then to do what is necessary to fulfill the purpose or accomplish the task. God didn't make us placeholders, we make ourselves place holders. God has blessed us with various talents, gifts, and personalities so that when 2 or more come together there is increased value. In most of the best highly functioning teams, everyone has a valuable knowledge and/or a unique talent they are contributing. Especially in ministry, God desires teams to be more than a mere group of people assembled in proximity to each other. When every volunteer in your ministry, work group, family brings their gifts and diverse styles a better "product" results. So consider, 'What's my value?'
"A zero can be added or subtracted without changing the sum. A zero can also be used as a place holder. When do people get when they get you?" --Bishop TD Jakes
It's Monday. My first full work week in two weeks. It'll be a little rough, but with God I know I can survive. This past Saturday Bishop T.D. Jakes held a free leadership training at my church. A friend of mine via Facebook shared various snippets. The quote above was one of my favorites. When I read the quote, it challenged me to think, "What's my value in this group, community, and/or family?" God always has a task or purpose to fulfill when he places us somewhere. We need to learn to ask God to reveal the purpose or task, and then to do what is necessary to fulfill the purpose or accomplish the task. God didn't make us placeholders, we make ourselves place holders. God has blessed us with various talents, gifts, and personalities so that when 2 or more come together there is increased value. In most of the best highly functioning teams, everyone has a valuable knowledge and/or a unique talent they are contributing. Especially in ministry, God desires teams to be more than a mere group of people assembled in proximity to each other. When every volunteer in your ministry, work group, family brings their gifts and diverse styles a better "product" results. So consider, 'What's my value?'
Sunday, January 8, 2012
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The Word for Today:
Happy Sunday!! I want to share a snippet of the messages I heard today in church. The main point: God chastens us because He loves us.
Often when we face difficult situations we face them with a "Woe is me" outlook. This verse reminds me to look at it with a " Wow, God loves me" outlook. God wants us to stay on the right path. We are His children. He disciplines us so we learn right from wrong. It is a blessing to be corrected by God. Of course, we may not feel this way during the correction process. However, we take time to look back we'll receive the revelation. When the Lord disciplines us, we should see it as an opportunity to humble ourselves and submit to the discipline and correction of the Lord. This is how we develop patience, self-control, joy, and other pieces of the Fruit of the Spirit. Remember trials, sufferings, and difficulties are part of life. When God-ordered they are for a purpose and meaning.
“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son." Hebrews 12: 5b-6
Happy Sunday!! I want to share a snippet of the messages I heard today in church. The main point: God chastens us because He loves us.
Often when we face difficult situations we face them with a "Woe is me" outlook. This verse reminds me to look at it with a " Wow, God loves me" outlook. God wants us to stay on the right path. We are His children. He disciplines us so we learn right from wrong. It is a blessing to be corrected by God. Of course, we may not feel this way during the correction process. However, we take time to look back we'll receive the revelation. When the Lord disciplines us, we should see it as an opportunity to humble ourselves and submit to the discipline and correction of the Lord. This is how we develop patience, self-control, joy, and other pieces of the Fruit of the Spirit. Remember trials, sufferings, and difficulties are part of life. When God-ordered they are for a purpose and meaning.
Something to Think About:
We serve a Savior who suffered, and we know He will not lead us into meaningless suffering. The writer points to the importance of discipline and proceeds to show that for Christians suffering is rightly understood only when seen as God's fatherly discipline, correcting and directing us. Suffering is evidence, not that God does not love us, but that He does ----Leon Morris
Friday, January 6, 2012
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Something To Think About "Our eyes are placed in front because it's more important to look ahead than to look back."
While it's important to reflect on our past experiences and not forget our roots. I think sometimes we spend too much time looking back at our past, that we forget to look ahead, reflect, and prepare for what is about to come. We can't meditate on failures, regrets, and losses for too long. Think about them, extract the life lesson to be learned, and move on. Think about how bright the future could be, if we just let go and moved forward. Remember, time is not stopping for you or me. We need to use the life lessons from the past to make the necessary adjustments to our present, and continue the journey to our future. While moving forward is sometimes easier said than done, it is definitely possible. We just have to take it one step at a time. God's word says that He has a future and plan for us. So what are we waiting for. Let's move forward, with God's future!
Verse of the Day: "[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13 NIV
While it's important to reflect on our past experiences and not forget our roots. I think sometimes we spend too much time looking back at our past, that we forget to look ahead, reflect, and prepare for what is about to come. We can't meditate on failures, regrets, and losses for too long. Think about them, extract the life lesson to be learned, and move on. Think about how bright the future could be, if we just let go and moved forward. Remember, time is not stopping for you or me. We need to use the life lessons from the past to make the necessary adjustments to our present, and continue the journey to our future. While moving forward is sometimes easier said than done, it is definitely possible. We just have to take it one step at a time. God's word says that He has a future and plan for us. So what are we waiting for. Let's move forward, with God's future!
Verse of the Day: "[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13 NIV
Page 5
A new day, a new year doesn't mean things of the past don't follow you. It's almost a full week into the new year, and I'm already saying " God I thought we were through with that. We're not done yet?" Whether it's over worrying about a silly mistake at work or dealing with family issues and concerns, I feel like God has many challenges planned for this year. What bothers me the most is not the trials and challenges (these are necessities of life) but my reaction to the challenges. Though I claim my faith grew tremendously in 2011, will it be evident to both God and me when I'm going through? I don't want to respond to challenges and trials the same old way. I don't want to ignore them and place myself in a protective bubble. I don't want to distance myself from my family because I'm afraid of being overwhelmed and useless. My prayer and desire is that I'll face each trial and challenge with the boldness and courage He's given me. Also that as M.B. Clark says, " When I'm on the mountain or even in my valley; Whatever comes my way I'll lift my hands and just praise." I want to move beyond just singing 'Blessed Be Your Name' to actually living a life that reflects that choice.
Bible Verse for Today:
"In him we live and move and have our being," (Acts 17:28 NIV)
Bible Verse for Today:
"In him we live and move and have our being," (Acts 17:28 NIV)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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I choose to wait even if no one else is. I choose to wait because it's my God-given conviction. I choose to wait because life is not about being normal. I choose to wait because I'm worth it. I choose to wait because it is possible to say No to temptation. I choose to wait no matter the cost. Simple put, I choose to wait!!
I choose to wait even if no one else is. I choose to wait because it's my God-given conviction. I choose to wait because life is not about being normal. I choose to wait because I'm worth it. I choose to wait because it is possible to say No to temptation. I choose to wait no matter the cost. Simple put, I choose to wait!!
Page 3
Something to Think About:
Change is a process. Change is a difficult process under most conditions. It requires tough-minded intuitive sensing, feeling, and impassioned and bold leadership. ---Unknown
Typically there are two main problems with change. Either a) it doesn't come as fast as I want it to or b) it comes when I'm not ready for it. The bottom line though, change is a constant. For example, Google, Facebook, and Apple probably have an update of some kind every 3-6 months. Sometimes they'll announce it so you're prepared. Other times you'll log-in, see the change along with a note to tell you "Things have changed!" (Personally, I tend to find this annoying because I don't see the purpose of changing the layout or format. Especially, if it doesn't make anything easier)
While I'm not always the biggest fan of change, I've learned to welcome it because change tends to bring out the better me, I never knew. With change often comes progress. Life requires us to grow and stretch. That can't happen without change.
I often hold a leadership role so I've learned that change is key to strengthening my leadership skills. In the midst, of change is when I learn how to quickly adapt, make tough decision, step back and let others take the lead, and how to handle drawbacks and discomforts. Additionally, I've learned that not all change results in growth. If I don't embrace the change, then it'll just flow right by. Though it may be tough and unpleasant, I have to see change as an opportunity and a means of moving forward. Change is constant, because nothing is perfect. And as a Christian, I should ask God regularly to open my eyes to see how I can invoke change and make life better. Whether it's changing the world or my attitude and perspectives; a good situation or a bad situation I must accept that change will happen (with or without my approval) .
Verse of the Day from
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”Micah 6:8 NIV
Monday, January 2, 2012
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" Let's Step Up. Let's Do It." --President Barack Obama
I spent approximately 2 hours in the gym today. Not by choice, though. Joan and I had to share my car. She dropped me off the gym ran some errands, then came back to pick me up. My normal workput time is 1 hr at max 1hr 15. At first I was a little flustered because I wasn't sure how long I could really last in the gym, let alone what I was going to do during that time. I was also thrown off by the size of the gym. This was my first time at this particular gym and it was bigger than any I'd ever been too.
Once I found my way to the locker room, put my stuff in a locker, took a deep breath, and just got started. I started off with my cardio warm-up, then headed to weights. As I perused other people working out, I got some ideas of different activities that I could do. I loved my gym time. I ended up completing a full body workout
My time at the gym helped me remember that sometimes you just have to step up and do something. You may not have all the knowledge and skills you want or need. But what you do have is an opportunity. so take it.
Bible Verse of the Day
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
I spent approximately 2 hours in the gym today. Not by choice, though. Joan and I had to share my car. She dropped me off the gym ran some errands, then came back to pick me up. My normal workput time is 1 hr at max 1hr 15. At first I was a little flustered because I wasn't sure how long I could really last in the gym, let alone what I was going to do during that time. I was also thrown off by the size of the gym. This was my first time at this particular gym and it was bigger than any I'd ever been too.
Once I found my way to the locker room, put my stuff in a locker, took a deep breath, and just got started. I started off with my cardio warm-up, then headed to weights. As I perused other people working out, I got some ideas of different activities that I could do. I loved my gym time. I ended up completing a full body workout
My time at the gym helped me remember that sometimes you just have to step up and do something. You may not have all the knowledge and skills you want or need. But what you do have is an opportunity. so take it.
Bible Verse of the Day
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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"Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book . Write a good one" ---Braid Paisley
I read the above quote on someone's Facebook status and thought " Hmmm, I wonder who would read my book?". Then I realized that no one can read a book that hasn't been written. So I got the thinking, why not seize the opportunity to share my personal experiences, memorable moments, and life lessons.
Now this may never turn into a publishable book. The end of January may come around, I'll start thinking this was a stupid idea because my life is not as interesting I thought. Or but it'll definitely be one of several ways that I begin to share an document the events that are shaping my life, personality, likes, and dislikes.
My goal is to daily write whatever is on my heart. The entries will be long and short. Some may be interesting others may not. They'll hopefully cover topics related to God, Religion, Love, Humor, Growing up, Loss, Inspirations, Work, etc.
So Let's Get Started
Today is Sunday, January 1. The main word on my mind is Gratefulness! I am grateful that God uses me despite my flaws. I have a tendency to get moody, mean, rude, and downright nasty. God still chooses to use me to mobilize others to worship and glorify Him. I'm developing the habit to truly 'Thank God' when people praise me for my good deeds. Because the truth is, I couldn't or wouldn't do it if it wasn't for him. Any I praise I gain should go straight to God.
For example, The ACF Legacy Day was a success not because of anything I did, but because of everything God did. He allowed all the pieces of a program, put together at the last minute, to come together for a wonderful program. I am so thankful!! The day wasn't perfect but it was definitely great. Both parents, children, adults, youth, and young adults enjoyed the fellowship. I know God will make it even greater next time around.
God is always reminding me to not sweat the small stuff and remember that I only need to do what He's told me do. Obey Him, then step back and let Him show His awesomeness.
Bible Gateway Scripture for Today:
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 NIV
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