“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.”
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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When the time comes to stand, will I stand? Every now and then this question is posed and I almost always miss the oppurtunity to show my ability to stand up for what matters most: my friends and family. It's like my desire to be carefree and avoid drama at all costs cripples me. Fear disables my courage and makes it hard to be bold and speak up. I just wish the courage deep within me would rise up at the right moments. I'm not trying to start a revolution or even fight for rights. I just want my friends and family members to be confident in knowing I have their back.
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.”
Norman Vincent Peale
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.”
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It's Friday!! And. yes I'm excited. My sister is coming for a visit. :-) She (whatever silly reason) wants to keep it a surprise from the parentals. I guess it makes her visit more meaningful. I love when Joan comes home, simply because I get to talk to her in person. Talking on the phone is annoying for me, because it's not always clear and its difficult for me to understand. Also the timing isn't always perfect so typically one of us is too tired to really engage in conversation. So a trip home is always welcomed. I know she's a little upset because I won't be home right after work but I have an ACFYA fundraising meeting. We need to raise at least $7,000 to put on a decent conference.
Studying God’s Word will change your life, if you put what you learn in practice. --Rick Warren
I've been doing Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotionals. Recently the devotions have focused on studying and applying the Word to our lives. It's been a convicting and awakening ...for me. For awhile, my quiet times were becoming dry and uninteresting to me. Now my quiet times include not just reading a devotional but really reading and meditating on the scripture passage. One key theme clear in the devotions and should be evident in Christians lives is 'studying the Bible changes your life.' As a Christian, as we study and apply the Bible to our lives a change should be evident to all.
Studying God’s Word will change your life, if you put what you learn in practice. --Rick Warren
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It seems like God is always trying to humbling me. Just when I think I'm close to being humble, God reveals to me other areas I need to work on. He's constantly working on areas such as asking for forgiveness, letting others shine, and not working to get human praise.
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It's tru wat they say about time flying by when you do something you love. I've been working on ACF support letters and NMA tweets that by the time the workload begins to slow down it's after 2pm. I'm always shocked when I look at clock wondering where the time went.
Monday, January 30, 2012
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Today was another ACFYA work day. My supervisor didn't have any tasks for me, so I dedicated most of my day to doing random tasks related to the conference. On days like this, I wish I could work for ACF since I alread do so much work for them ( work I enjoy admittedly). These days also remind me of the highs and lows of office work. While I love having time to fulfill my commitment to ACF, I wish i had a job that required increased interactions with other people. there are few things I do at work that I could honestly be doing at home. I'm not complaining about my job, I'm truly grateful for the answered prayer, I just wish my job required more energy and thought from me. It's frustrating often because I don't know what to do. I want to take initiative, but am not sure where to begin. I wish I had deliverable to submit at least 3 times a week so I'd feel as though I was accomplishing something. My supervisor has told me once policy conference planning starts I'd have my hands fulls..I'm beginning to long for those moments. Until then. I'll continue serving ACFYA to ensure I do my part in making the conference awesome. I'm also going to continue to pray that God opens the doors to the perfect job for me. A wonderful welcoming work environment, where I do work the constantly excites me. I want my next job to have clear purpose and meaning.
Something To Think About
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Something To Think About
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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A Message From the Word
Never forget in the light, what God has spoken ti you in the darkness
At Zion Church, Pastor Battle continued the series "Journey to your Dream" One of his points was : 'Don't forget what said' He used the story of the Israelite in Numbers 1to illustrate his point. As you read the entire story of the Israelites up to this point, you notice that Canaan was the land God promised to them several times. God told them and their ancestors " enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession ". He also told them that He'd drive out the inhabitants wrongfully owning the land. Yet, when the opportunity to cease their property and witness a promise fulfilled came, they forgot the Word of the Lord and made a decision based on fear (another good point/message for another day). Often as Christians we do the same thing. We allow fear and our current situation to alter our destiny. In times of trouble and desperation, instead of relying on God's Word and reminding ourselves of His promises we get scared and walk away from God's plan. Be careful not to end up like the many Israelites who ended up never seeing the promise land because they couldn't trust and believe in God's plan. Meditate on God's Word and treasure His promises.
Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 1: 30)
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