Thursday, February 2, 2012

Page 27

It's Friday!!  And. yes I'm excited.  My sister is coming for a visit. :-)  She (whatever silly reason) wants to keep it a surprise from the parentals.  I guess it makes her visit more meaningful.  I love when Joan comes home, simply because I get to talk to her in person.  Talking on the phone is annoying for me, because it's not always clear and its difficult for me to understand.  Also the timing isn't always perfect so typically one of us is too tired to really engage in conversation.  So a trip home is always welcomed.  I know she's a little upset because I won't be home right after work but I have an ACFYA fundraising meeting.  We need to raise at least $7,000 to put on a decent conference.  

I've been doing Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotionals.   Recently  the devotions have focused on studying and applying the Word to our lives.  It's been a convicting and awakening ...for me.  For awhile, my quiet times were becoming dry and uninteresting to me.  Now my quiet times include not just reading a devotional but really reading and meditating on the scripture passage.  One key theme clear in the devotions and should be evident in Christians lives is 'studying the Bible changes your life.'  As a Christian, as we study and apply the Bible to our lives a change should be evident to all.  

Studying God’s Word will change your life, if you put what you learn in practice.  --Rick Warren   

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