Thursday, February 9, 2012

Page 39

Yesterday I was talking to a woman who was sharing a small victory in her journey to healthier living.  She had had a busy and hectic day at work and did not have the opportunity to sit down and eat the healthy lunch already prepared for her.  A co-worker offered to but her something from McDonald's.  The women thought about it for awhile. She LOVES MCDs chicken nuggets and they would make the perfect on the go meal. A bit of self-control and a reminder of her goals allowed her to say, " No, thank you.  I'll eat my cantaloupe."  As I listened to her share, I was genuinely excited for small victory.  Many diet and fitness experts agree, that the best and most sustainable results come from the simplest of workouts and eating habits (when they are done consistently). She exercised her God-given self discipline and claimed a victory.  I pray this victory will translate over to other areas of her daily life

Often I think we forget to Praise God and celebrate the daily victories, or small victories,  in our life.  Even with our battle against sin, we have to learn to thank God every time we choose to do the right thing, especially when doing wrong is easier.  Each and everyday we have to 'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 1:7).  As we connect with God daily, He renews our strength and encourages us to stay strong.  Our big victories over sin and temptations are often the result of little victories guided by self-control and self-discipline.  The “little victories” will add up to the bigger goal. So as we continue to strive to be more like Christ, to live healthier and fuller lives, let us continue to seek God's face, not be satisfied or content with where we are, and always press towards the mark.  

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” -- Louis L'Amour

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