Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Page 3

Something to Think About:

Change is a process.  Change is a difficult process under most conditions.  It requires tough-minded intuitive sensing, feeling, and impassioned and bold leadership.  ---Unknown 

Typically there are two main problems with change.  Either a) it doesn't come as fast as I want it to or b) it comes when I'm not ready for it. The bottom line though, change is a constant.   For example, Google, Facebook, and Apple probably have an update of some kind every 3-6 months.  Sometimes they'll announce it so you're prepared. Other times you'll log-in, see the change along with a note to tell you "Things have changed!"  (Personally, I tend to find this annoying because I don't see the purpose of changing the layout or format.  Especially, if it doesn't make anything easier)

While I'm not always the biggest fan of change, I've learned to welcome it because change tends to bring out the better me, I never knew.  With change often comes progress.  Life requires us to grow and stretch.  That can't happen without change.  

I often hold a leadership role so I've learned that change is key to strengthening my leadership skills.    In the midst, of change is when I learn how to quickly adapt, make tough decision, step back and let others take the lead, and how to handle drawbacks and discomforts.  Additionally, I've learned that not all change results in growth.  If I don't embrace the change, then it'll just flow right by.  Though it may be tough and unpleasant, I have to see change as an opportunity and a means of moving forward.  Change is constant, because nothing is perfect.  And as a Christian, I should ask God regularly to open my eyes to see how I can invoke change and make life better.  Whether it's changing the world or my attitude and perspectives; a good situation or a bad situation I must accept that change will happen (with or without my approval) .  

Verse of the Day from

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”Micah 6:8 NIV

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