Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Page 45

Are you operating in your gifting? Have  you  ever  considered how important it is to operate in
your God given gift?

 It is unfortunate that there are people all over the world who have yet to identify their gift  think about all of the untapped potential that  exists in the church. If you're not regularly operating in your gift, then you are not maximizing your potential.  when we operate in our gifts, we not only build and edfiy the church by allowing for spiritual growth and development, but we begin to impact our generations, communities, and the world.  When you operate in you spiritual gift, you function in your God given purpose which creates opportunity for successful living.  Almost everything you do at home, work, church, or in the community should require you to use a gift, skill, or talent that God has given you.  recognize that  He  has  given  all  of  us  gifts to use for His glory.   Once you identify your gift, don't compare it to anyone else's.  each gift is important and has value in the body of Christ.  Talk to God and listen to him to learn how He wants you to use your gifts.  God has given us wonderful passions, gifts, and abilities so we can live a full life that glorifies Him.

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