Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Page 50

A Message From the Word

In most churches and religious circles, money is a topic.  People evoke a variety of emotions when preachers talk about tithing, giving to the poor, prosperity or other money related topic.  The Bible has a plethora of scriptures teaching us about budgeting, business management, caring for the poor, saving money, contentment, and much more.  the problem with most people who hate talking bout money isn't a lack of money or wealth but rather the absence of knowledge proper biblical money management.  In church I learned that for many Christians, their inability to fulfill their dreams is because they have failed to apply biblical principals to their finances.  The Bible is very clear that God will only entrust His treasures to people who /he can trust.  God allows various "small stage" scenarios in our lives to reveal to us that we have what we need necessary to be on the "high stage" He's called us to be.   As Christians it's important for us to study not only the promises of God teaching about healing, blessings, and prosperity, but also the principles of God teaching about discipline, generosity, and self-control (all part of financial management).  If we want God to usher us into our dreams, we need to practice biblical money management.

Proverbs 24:3-4Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms shall be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

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